

How to Get Out of Your Own Way and SHINE

Thursday…I got invited to fly down to the Bahamas and spend the weekend learning from some of the most brilliant entrepreneurs, coaches and CEOs. Initially, I had a million reasons why I couldn’t go. Until, I GOT OUT OF MY OWN WAY.

When you begin to live in a way that is connected to your inner and true INTENTIONS and VALUES, the world around aligns to give you exactly what you need exactly when you need it. One of the most powerful and life-changing rituals I have is to start the day with affirmations and visualizing the exact experiences I wanted to have. Instead of getting caught up in thinking “I don’t have” or “I want this but am clueless as to how I will get there”, I just think about what I would like to create and then ask for assistance. From there, I program my mind with powerful mantras to ensure inner confidence that I can achieve it. This is key. As Gabby Bernstein says...ASK. BELIEVE. RECEIVE.

    Spending a weekend with visionaries in business taught me a few things:

  • Don’t wait for the right moment because that moment will never come. If you want it, you don’t have to know every step to get there. Just set a date and then go get it.
  • Focus on doing what you are great at and get help or outsource the things you are not so great at. You are not meant to do and know it all. Ask for help or find a coach/mentor to guide you. Hire someone to do the things you don’t want to do.
  • Surround yourself with a dream team full of people that push you and inspire you to be your best self. Cut out the ones who don’t. This is key!
  • Failure is part of it. It’s what we do with failure that determines success. If you don’t believe me, check out this link below to see all of the famous people that failed and where they ended up

Failure is part of it. It’s what we do with failure that determines success. If you don’t believe me, check out this link below to see all of the famous people that failed and where they ended up If you are feeling stuck or unsure how to get what you truly desire in life, begin by being grateful for all you have. Then, take some time to write about what you truly want to CREATE. Connect to this vision every day. Often in coaching, I see people lose sight of their bigger vision because they don’t believe it’s possible or they don’t make time and space to clarify what it is they really want. And I completely understand this because I have experienced it many times. There have been times that I’ve forgotten it is only ME who holds the power in my heart to CREATE what it is I desire. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing today, I invite you to REACH UP and take hold of the sun. Let it light up your world.